The Bread Which We Break

The Bread Which We Break

Our scripture passage for this Sunday is the one and only passage that’s found in all four of the Gospels.  The account of the feeding of the 5000 is central to our faith tradition as it highlights the “hunger” of the people, the depth of Jesus’ compassion, and the surprising capacity of the disciples when they thought they either weren’t enough or didn’t have enough.  They started out with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish and, with language that echoes our Communion liturgy, Jesus offered a blessing and thousands were fed.  

In receiving the elements of bread and juice, we are receiving God’s grace into the deepest places of need in our lives.  Sometimes that grace looks like peace.  Sometimes that grace looks like healing.  Sometimes that grace looks like community.  Sometimes that grace looks like getting through just one more day. If you have a few moments before the service, create a small worship space.  Find a piece of bread and a cup of something.  Light a candle.  Reflect on the needs of your heart, your spirit, your life as well as the needs of our world.

Scripture passages: Matthew 14:13-21

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