The Coconut

The Coconut

This Sunday we are delighted to welcome back Rev. Dan Meyer-Abbott. As some know, Rev. Dan did a ministry internship at PB UMC many years ago and lived in one of the duplexes across the parking lot. Rev. Dan is now a retired United Methodist Minister who most recently served Jacumba UMC. He is a father, grandfather, Padres fan and an expert in End Time Theology and Church and State History. And our very own Ron Jessee played the organ at Dan and Linda’s wedding! Please welcome Dan and Linda warmly as they share with us this coming Sunday. What does the coconut have to do with communion? Rev. Dan explains…

Today we also welcome the paradise Valley UMC Youth Choir and Handbell Ensemble from Paradise Valley, AZ under the direction of Dr. Ashley Strawser.

Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-3

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