

This Sunday we return to texts from the Revised Common Lectionary as we celebrate Transfiguration Sunday.

To hear about Transfiguration Sunday from the UMC’s own Chuck Knows Church, watch an informative video here.

Scriptures: 2 Kings 2:1-12 and Mark 9:2-9

Pastor’s Note: Near the 17 minute mark while exploring the importance of Moses & Elijah with Jesus at the Transfiguration, I noted appropriately that Elijah was taken up to heaven before death; I also mistakenly said that Moses too had done something similar. I was wrong. The death of Moses is noted in Deuteronomy 34:5.

Add’l Pastor’s Note: In later research, I found that my initial claim about Moses having been lifted up before dying may in fact have been correct! Ancient writings from Josephus and the Talmud seem to share this traditional understanding, even in spite of Deut. 34:5.


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