Wandering Heart…Praise the Mount

Wandering Heart…Praise the Mount

Today we continue in our Lenten sermon series featuring one of the most well known disciples, Peter. Each week we hear about an encounter between Peter and Jesus, allowing us to come alongside Peter in his growing faith. In today’s text, Jesus asks the disciples who others say he is and the disciples reveal what Jesus already knows…that there’s much confusion about who he is! But when Jesus asks who they say Jesus is, Peter (who is still Simon) doesn’t miss a beat. He says, “You are the Son of the living God.” It’s then that Jesus gives him his new name, Peter. Peter sees Jesus clearly in that moment and speaks with conviction about what he knows. His experience invites us to reflect on our own faith journeys. When have we seen Jesus clearly and how do we speak with conviction about what we know? What we believe?

Scripture passages: Psalm 19; Matthew 16:13-20

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