What Shall We Wear?

What Shall We Wear?

Our reading from Ephesians is a good indicator that this truly MAY be an age old question!  The author talks about this very thing…what we should wear.  Granted, they’re not talking about what we should wear to church or work or the grocery store.  Rather the focus is on what we should wear, how we should clothe ourselves, for “battle” against the struggles we face.  This passage is moving for some and troubling for others with its warrior imagery.  We’ll spend time this Sunday exploring this text in relation to the last of the “Jesus as bread of life” texts from the Gospel of John.

Scripture passage: Ephesians 6:10-20; John 6:56-69

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Note We had a camera switching issue this morning at the beginning of the sermon. Pastor Lori is audible and does re-appear after a few minutes!

Being Alive


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