Who Sinned?

Who Sinned?

This Sunday we delve into the question that was asked by the disciples when they came upon a man who was blind from birth. “Who sinned?” they asked. “This man or his parents?” This has been a Lenten season full of question asking. This week we come face to face with the reality that there are some questions that are better than others. Good questions lead to wonder, exploration and discovery. Bad questions, often based on assumptions, lead to narrowness and judgment.

Join us as we come alongside Jesus, the disciples, the man who received his sight, the community around him and ALL of the many questions that were asked. We’ll explore some of the many issues raised in this text, including issues around illness and suffering. We’ll also examine our own style of question-asking…do our questions tend to shut us or others down or do they lead to connection and life?

Scripture: John 9:1-41

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