With Great Power

With Great Power

In the past year, our California-Pacific Annual Conference has periodically provided a pre-recorded worship service to be shared across the Conference in order to offer a small period of respite to church staffs and worship teams.  We are grateful for that support that comes from our connectional system and we are delighted for reminders of our wonderful diversity in this Conference as well as our common mission as followers of Jesus.  

Today we’ll be sharing in one of those services, enjoying word, images and music from all parts of our Annual Conference.  We’ll be listening to the English-language sermon by Rev. Kristie Grimaud, Foothills UMC, in which she reflects on the power at work in the early church and its effect on the first believers. There are other sermon options available via the Annual Conference website at calpacumc.org/april11.  You are welcome to visit and listen to one of the additional sermons provided in Korean, Spanish, Tongan or Vietnamese.

I hope your Eastertide is bringing peace, joy and so much more to brighten your days as well as your hearts and spirits.  We are resurrection people who have the responsibility and the privilege to “practice resurrection” in these days of both great need and great hope!

Pastor Lori

Scripture passage:  Acts 4:32-35

Click here for additional resources on this sermon.


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